he financial and economic crises which emerged in USA by the end of 2008 and then "spread" to the other developed countries and to the developing countries aftermath and which turned into a " global " identity therefore marked the year 2009.

Year 2009 went down in history as a year at which the effects of the crises emerged on the last months of the previous year were densely felt and the governments and central banks all around the World tried to recover the wounds of the crises through the actions taking by making international collaborations in consideration for this.

The opinion dominant in business and academic environments around the World and in Turkey is that although 2010 passed under the shadow of the crises, 2011 will be better than the crises years.
Although it is seen that the Turkish economy begins to recover with the decreasing effects of the crises and building of trust, it can't be said that it has fully recovered yet. Nevertheless the positive developments such as the picking up in consumption and increasing of the stocks to the normal levels so that the increasing of the production can be observed clearly.

However we can observe the considerable recovery in domestic economy on the export part in parallel with the development of the external conjuncture. We, too, continue to be on the safe side on the future of the economics despite of the positive indications. While the strong structure of the banking sector comes into prominence as one of the most important factors supporting the growth, the negative factors such as the high unemployment rate, unutilised capacity and over debts seem to be remained on the agenda in 2011, too.

The European originated international instability which is one of the reflections of the global crises, will cause important problems. It is inevitable that America and Asia will be affected from this situation respectively. Therefore it comes into reality that the growth around the World will be below the expectations.

A period at which the inter-state problems intensified, the collaboration in their politics loosened and each country focuses on its own problems is waiting ahead of us.

It is required to analyse the risks and opportunities that will arise from the global competition. As a Family Company, we are spending these hard periods by trying to determine our vision by protecting our values, investing on the human resources and keeping the capital structure strong.

While assessing the global economic developments, we should consider that the risk perceptions of the countries related to the public debts will determine the course of the fund transmissions and thus there will be more obscures.
With the decrease of this obscure we are anticipating that the liquidity will be diverted eventually to the reel economy and that the developments in the credit markets will support the domestic economic activity but this will spread to a long term. The fact that the global developments are the main determinants on the domestic economic status still continue but we think that different internal dynamics should be monitored carefully.

The budget deficits of the countries, the existing problems in real estate markets, high unemployment and un-accelerated economic growth will have critical importance during the recovery period.

The international capital will address to the low risk countries which showed good performance during crises and which have low interest rates and are expected to be grown in liquidity environment in the upcoming period.

In this respect it seems very important to sustain the financial discipline in Turkey under the actions taken. The actions such as the immediate application of the employment strategy, reducing the inflation pressure, monitoring the current deficit and recovering the export, require to be put into the agenda.

With the curbing of the political problems, Turkey will be one of the countries to be preferred by the foreign investors in 2011.

We, as Şark Inşaat A.Ş., pay attention to evaluate our approaches in this fame. With our rooted company culture leaving half of the century behind, experienced staff, strong infrastructure and Machine Park, we desire to continue to make suitable investments in Turkey and in many countries all around the world.

Şark Inşaat A.Ş. exists with 5 group of companies & participation under its body from trade to construction and depended partnerships today.

Şark Inşaat which is the first and the leader company of the Şark Inşaat group has completed many big achievements such as dams, tunnels, infrastructure and transportation, industrial facilities, business and trade centre, luxury housing, building and satellite town project primarily in Domestic and Abroad.

With the contracting works performed in Saudi Arabia in 1980's, Şark Inşaat A.Ş. took its first step into the international markets by expanding its success with foreign partnerships and representations.

Şark Inşaat A.Ş. has given weight on the foreign operations again by the beginning of the 2008 and the Drainage Purification plant investments in Turkmenistan form the important part of the business volume. It has a considerable know-how on infrastructure and purification.

The institutionalization of the services that Şark Inşaat A.Ş. provides to the community from past to present and the ensuring to sustain the same make moral and material contribution to the development of the areas such as education mainly  and belief, culture, arts and sports.

We, as Şark Inşaat, experiencing the fair happiness of being a big family together with our employees in our position today. We know that the next generation will sustain the expansion to a huge geography beyond the country and bear the responsibility with our investments with the same belief and determination.

With this trust, we hereby grant our thanks to our nation, and all personnel and wish a life full with comfort, peace and health.

Yours sincerely,

Bahattin DOĞAN
Chairman of the Board